Starting with MariaDB 10.4 (released in June 2019), you can use the OR keyword with IDENTIFIED VIA to allow any-of several authentication methods: CREATE OR ALTER USER `minecraft` IDENTIFIED VIA unix_socket OR mysql_native_password USING PASSWORD("s3cr3tpasswvrd"); Even if your OS vendor kinda sucks at providing updates, MariaDB provides an official repository serving at least this version to distributions as old as Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS & RHEL 6, Debian 7, and Fedora 28 …
[DRAFT] Pleroma on Docker Compose
This testing was done with Pleroma 2.4.1, in environment Rocky Linux 8 (Before starting, be sure docker and docker-compose are installed, as well as git, and NGINX.) Fetch and prepare the source code: git clone -b stable –depth=10 "" && cd pleroma git fetch –depth=20 "" "feature/docker-compose":"feature/docker-compose" && git -c "" -c "" merge –no-commit "feature/docker-compose" read -p "Enter your domain name: " pleroma_domain Build it: mkdir -vp uploads …
Docker: remove all containers and images
docker rm -f `docker container ls -a -q` && docker rmi -f `docker image ls -a -q`
selinux allow httpd access to folder
If, for instance, you are serving the internet stuff at /srv/stuff/TehInternetz instead of (or in addition to) the default /var/www, and selinux is preventing Apache/NGINX from accessing the files, run the following: dnf install policycoreutils-python-utils || yum install policycoreutils-python || apt install semanage-utils semanage fcontext -a -e /var/www /srv/stuff/TehInternetz restorecon -R -v /srv/stuff/TehInternetz
Tmux: create session if it doesn't exist
tmux new-session -A -s 0
OpenCL: Quadro FX 1700 on Fedora 31
RPMFusion has some much better engineers than those NVidia assigned to their Linux support…
DD-WRT on WNR2000_v2
This router can RELIABLY be un-bricked! I’ve also documented+confirmed the arcane process of getting it flashed and upgraded…
Reset WordPress password via SQL
mysql -u root
← SELECT wordpress; UPDATE `wp_users` SET `user_pass` = MD5( 'correct horse battery staple' ) WHERE `wp_users`.`user_login` = "wp-admin";
Fix: Destiny 2 "Exodus Black" crash
tl;dr: underclock your VRAM speed to the same as your GPU clock speed