If, for instance, you are serving the internet stuff at /srv/stuff/TehInternetz instead of (or in addition to) the default /var/www, and selinux is preventing Apache/NGINX from accessing the files, run the following: dnf install policycoreutils-python-utils || yum install policycoreutils-python || apt install semanage-utils semanage fcontext -a -e /var/www /srv/stuff/TehInternetz restorecon -R -v /srv/stuff/TehInternetz
Tmux: create session if it doesn't exist
tmux new-session -A -s 0
CGI "Basic" HTTP Authorization, in a nutshell
Simply split on "Basic ", base64decode, split on ":", and decode the username.
Citations: Discord Google Play Negative Review
Posting this here because the Discord.com developers gave a canned reply to my negative review, and I can't just leave them with the last word; but Google Play reviews are limited to 500 characters
Sonoma County SO #191115-013
Sheriff's Press Release The protestors' flyer Excellent article (ft. mugshots!) (archive link) Informative thread Good article Facebook post from MIRI employee Facebook post from reunion attendee LessWrong ban Supposedly leaked legal discussion A sympathetic source familiar with the matter tells me that Ziz still hasn't got a lawyer, nearly 1½ years after the arrest date, and that the story behind this fact may be newsworthy
Transcript: Zelenko x Katzin, Apr 30th
Transcribed from youtube.com/v/EyGHiFlF98g Rabbi Aryeh Katzin: So we have an honor to have with us Dr. Zelenko and I would like to ask [the] Dr, please update us on your fight against COVID-19 and the latest experiences. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: Yeah, thank you again for having me and for the opportunity [to] share my experience [with] the public. So, in my community, the infection rates have dropped significantly, thank …
Namecheap affiliate-linking
Our hosting provider is excellent; I was considering adding a link to them in the sidebar. I then further considered making these links "Affiliate" links, because a discount on the hosting I'm paying would be cool. However, it does appear that doing so would come at a specific burden. The following must be fulfilled just to put affiliate links in the sidebar (all emphasis added): Your Site specifically shall …
Protected: Document.txt
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
[DRAFT] Alabama stop-and-identify laws
A [cop], acting within their [jurisdiction,] may stop any person abroad in a public place [with "reasonable suspicion" of a current/recent/upcoming crime,] and may demand of him his name, address and an explanation of his actions. –Alabama Code § 15-5-30
[TODO] Identicon algorithm synthesis
The original source code of the "historic" algorithm now/still implemented by Gravatar is found at scott.sherrillmix.com/blog/blogger/wp_identicon For easier viewing, peek the file on GitHub test edit ignore this