Yeah, lots of people out there saying "leenucks doesn't have a dns cache!!1!" — well, recent versions of Ubuntu do ootb, and just restarting NetworkManager doesn't clear it for some ungodly reason… flush it with sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved
A very tiny bitmap font
Could be useful for very small LCD displays, or for fitting an entire movie script on your monitor at once. TODO: convert to OpenType Bitmap…
mcomix system-level requirements
Say you don't want sweeping system changes for something idiosynchronous like an unstable build of a comic book viewer…
The "real way" to run X11 apps as another local user
xhost +SI:localuser:$someoneElse
Switching to Picom (Compton) on the MATE desktop
You may have read some convoluted (and outdated—Compton was abandoned in 2017) tutorials on the matter like MakeTechEasier's, or perused the excellent Arch Wiki article's page on it to some despair, but if you are just a layperson who installed the MATE desktop for e.g. Ubuntu 20.04 (Fossa) and wants a slightly faster (i.e. GPU-accelerated) environment, there is a workaround that doesn't take too long to set up: …
Quick setup: Fail2ban on CentOS 8
Instant, easy setup. Just 4 commands, and your server will be protected: dnf install epel-release dnf install fail2ban nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local Paste this: [sshd] enabled = true Save and quit systemctl enable –now fail2ban To check if it's working: fail2ban-client status sshd
Python: "with epoll"
If you're using Python 3.4+, select.epoll
already supports context — you're clear to just write with epoll() as E: …
and everything will be OK. If not, here's how to shim it:
Tmux: create session if it doesn't exist
tmux new-session -A -s 0
OpenCL: Quadro FX 1700 on Fedora 31
RPMFusion has some much better engineers than those NVidia assigned to their Linux support…
Acronis 12.5 on Fedora 31
…(.text+0x24): undefined reference to `main'
—at this point, I'm probably just going to roll my own bootable backup solution. You don't have to worry about jiggering around with magic modules if the OS you're trying to snapshot isn't actively running…