WordPress: Restrict MathJax to a class

I write on a variety of topics, only some of which it's appropriate to have mathematical typesetting for. To avoid triggering a math rendering engine on unrelated use of $purious dollar sign$, while activating it when $\text{necessary}\wedge\text{appropriate}$, I decided to restrict them to only <… lang="x-mathjax">. Here's how that's done (for v3): MathJax = { tex: { inlineMath: [ ['$', '$'] ] }, startup: { elements: [':lang("x-mathjax")'] } }; …

Applying highlight.js to inline code on WordPress

If you're using the plugin Prismatic to apply highlight.js to your code excerpts, but you want it to also affect inline <code> tags (i.e. not only those wrapped in <pre> blocks), simply go Settings > Prismatic > Highlight.js and paste this into the “Init Script” field: hljs.configure({ cssSelector: 'code' }); hljs.highlightAll(); — then be sure to remember to add the language-* classes to your inline <code> tags! You may …

Namecheap affiliate-linking

Our hosting provider is excellent; I was considering adding a link to them in the sidebar. I then further considered making these links "Affiliate" links, because a discount on the hosting I'm paying would be cool. However, it does appear that doing so would come at a specific burden. The following must be fulfilled just to put affiliate links in the sidebar (all emphasis added): Your Site specifically shall …

WordPress plugin woes

It seems that even a honeymoon period with WordPress was only ever a pipe dream. This post is partly venting, partly “field survival guide” for anyone else trying to start up a blog and having to deal with all this nonsense. Every one of the pile of plugins I have installed are to fix WordPress’ deficiencies. It’s not a matter of enhancement, it’s a matter of treading water because, despite everything, …


We're back. Here's a quick summary of important events: Running, this time, on RancherOS because there's no reason for me to be doing anything as root on my machines (I'll just break stuff lol). (have moved to Fedora 31 ca. February 2020) Next project: a CI server providing a super-duper easy interface to build Android apps with. Every SDK is a flaming nuclear cluster garbagefire, but at if it's …