I write on a variety of topics, only some of which it's appropriate to have mathematical typesetting for. To avoid triggering a math rendering engine on unrelated use of $purious dollar sign$, while activating it when $\text{necessary}\wedge\text{appropriate}$, I decided to restrict them to only <… lang="x-mathjax">. Here's how that's done (for v3): MathJax = { tex: { inlineMath: [ ['$', '$'] ] }, startup: { elements: [':lang("x-mathjax")'] } }; …
Applying highlight.js to inline code on WordPress
If you're using the plugin Prismatic to apply highlight.js to your code excerpts, but you want it to also affect inline <code> tags (i.e. not only those wrapped in <pre> blocks), simply go Settings > Prismatic > Highlight.js and paste this into the “Init Script” field: hljs.configure({ cssSelector: 'code' }); hljs.highlightAll(); — then be sure to remember to add the language-* classes to your inline <code> tags! You may …
Reset WordPress password via SQL
mysql -u root
← SELECT wordpress; UPDATE `wp_users` SET `user_pass` = MD5( 'correct horse battery staple' ) WHERE `wp_users`.`user_login` = "wp-admin";